Discover the "Climate Fresk"

A workshop for progress!

spo video production

Relevance for today and tomorrow

Climate change affects us all. By actively dealing with this topic, you not only show your commitment to the environment, but also strengthen your position as a future-oriented company.

spo script writing

Common goal

The “Climate Fresk” creates a common goal for your team. Finding solutions to environmental problems requires collaboration and creativity. Solutions developed together not only promote team spirit, but can also generate innovative ideas.

As a provider of the "Climate Fresk" I offer you an innovative way to strengthen your team and at the same time actively contribute to environmental protection. Our tailor-made workshops are designed to prepare your company for the requirements of a sustainable future.

Contact me to learn more about the "Climate Fresk" and its positive impact.
We'll take care of it!

Workshop for companies

The Climate Fresk is suitable for all companies concerned with reducing their carbon footprint and changing their environmental practices. It is a participatory, interactive workshop that is played in a group and promotes learning through the active participation of each game participant. The task of all participants is to gradually place 42 information cards that illustrate the various components of the climate crisis on the playing field and connect them causally with each other. The information presented is based on the current IPCC scientific report and is visualized clearly and understandably with graphics and images.

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Climate education meets team building

The challenges of climate change often require an interdisciplinary approach. Team building activities that bring together different departments or areas of expertise promote the exchange of knowledge and perspectives, which can strengthen the company's ability to innovate.

communication and problem solving

Das Lösen von Klimaproblemen erfordert eine effektive Kommunikation und das gemeinsame Arbeiten an komplexen Aufgaben. Durch das Klimapuzzle können Teammitglieder ihre Kommunikations- und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten verbessern.

Motivation and meaningfulness

Many employees today are looking for meaningful work. Participating in an activity that helps address environmental issues can increase employees' intrinsic motivation.

Team dynamics

The awareness of environmental issues and sustainability created during such team building activities can have a long-term impact on the behavior of employees in everyday work and even in personal life.