In a sailboat from the Maledives to India and back

Waves of Change

waves of change

This documentary is a captivating and moving exploration of the pressing environmental issues of our time. With breathtaking landscape shots, profound interviews, and a compelling message, this film offers the audience to experience and understand the impacts of climate change very close. It's not just a documentary but also a passionate plea for the preservation of our planet. By repeatedly illustrating IPCC facts through a look at the "climate cards by Climate Fresk“, it also serves as an introduction to the "Climate Puzzle" An invitation to travel by sailboat from the Maldives to India and back allows a rather cost-effective production of this film.

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Part 1: "The Footprint of this Journey"

In the first part of our film, we take an honest look at the CO2 emissions generated by our own journey to the Maledives and back. We document the challenges of sensibly compensating for the CO2 emissions of this journey and shed light on the difficulties we encounter in making these calculations. In a simple and understandable manner, we present the oxidation of carbon into CO2, delve into the topic of CO2 compensation, and explain why planting a few trees is not sufficient. With our selection of CO2 compensation projects, we provide a clear recommendation for the „Gold Standard“. This section serves as a wake-up call for our own responsibility and the need to reduce our own ecological footprint.

Part 2: "The Threat of Rising Sea Levels"

The main part of the film is dedicated to the heart of our concern: the rise in sea levels and its drastic impact on the Maldives, other island nations, and the entire globe. We dive into the fascinating world of oceans and explore the multifaceted significance of these life-giving waters for humanity. With captivating stories and scientific insights, we demonstrate how climate change threatens the livelihoods of billions of people.

waves of change

Part 3: "The Diversity of the Oceans"

In this section, we showcase the astonishing biodiversity of the Indian ocean, ranging from coral reefs to majestic marine creatures. We emphasize the unique beauty of this underwater world and underscore the urgency of protecting it. We show how the Maledives and other coastal areas are fighting against the loss of marine habitat and biodiversity.

waves of change

Conclusion: "A Call to Action"

Our film ends with the presentation of companies and NGOs that have already incorporated innovative solutions such as Blue Economy into their value chain or offer sustainable alternatives and serves as a powerful appeal to industrialized nations and the international community . We urgently call for rapid and decisive reductions in CO2 emissions to curb the effects of climate change. By showcasing businesses and individuals, we inspire viewers to take action and support change on a personal, local and global level.

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